Class Benelux::Range

  1. lib/benelux/range.rb
Parent: Object


public class

  1. new

public instance

  1. <
  2. <=>
  3. >
  4. call_id
  5. duration
  6. failed?
  7. inspect
  8. successful?
  9. thread_id
  10. to_s
  11. track

Included modules

  1. Selectable::Object


exception [RW]
from [RW]
name [RW]
to [RW]

Public class methods

new (name,from,to)
[show source]
    # File lib/benelux/range.rb, line 10
10:     def initialize(name,from,to)
11:       @name, @from, @to = name, from, to
12:       @tags =
13:     end

Public instance methods

< (other)
[show source]
    # File lib/benelux/range.rb, line 43
43:     def <(other)
44:       from < other
45:     end
<=> (other)
[show source]
    # File lib/benelux/range.rb, line 40
40:     def <=>(other)
41:       from <=> other.from
42:     end
> (other)
[show source]
    # File lib/benelux/range.rb, line 46
46:     def >(other)
47:       from > other
48:     end
call_id ()
[show source]
    # File lib/benelux/range.rb, line 28
28:     def call_id
29:       @from.nil? ? :unknown : @from.call_id
30:     end
duration ()
[show source]
    # File lib/benelux/range.rb, line 37
37:     def duration
38:       to - from
39:     end
failed? ()
[show source]
    # File lib/benelux/range.rb, line 34
34:     def failed?
35:       !successful?
36:     end
inspect ()
[show source]
    # File lib/benelux/range.rb, line 17
17:     def inspect
18:       args = [self.class, hexoid, duration, from, to, name, tags]
19:       "#<%s:%s duration=%0.4f from=%s to=%s name=%s %s>" % args
20:     end
successful? ()
[show source]
    # File lib/benelux/range.rb, line 31
31:     def successful?
32:       @exception.nil?
33:     end
thread_id ()
[show source]
    # File lib/benelux/range.rb, line 25
25:     def thread_id
26:       @from.nil? ? :unknown : @from.thread_id
27:     end
to_s ()
[show source]
    # File lib/benelux/range.rb, line 14
14:     def to_s
15:       "%s:%.4f" % [name, duration]
16:     end
track ()
[show source]
    # File lib/benelux/range.rb, line 22
22:     def track 
23:       @from.nil? ? :unknown : @from.track
24:     end