Class Benelux::MethodTimer

  1. lib/benelux/packer.rb


public instance

  1. generate_packed_method
  2. install_method

Public instance methods

generate_packed_method ()

Creates a method definition (for an eval). The method is named +@meth+ and it calls +@methorig+.

The new method adds a Mark to the thread timeline before and after +@alias+ is called. It also adds a Range to the timeline based on the two marks.

[show source]
     # File lib/benelux/packer.rb, line 116
116:     def generate_packed_method
117:       %Q{
118:       def #{@meth}(*args, &block)
119:         #p ["#{@meth} 1"]
120:         call_id = "" << self.object_id.abs.to_s << args.object_id.abs.to_s
121:         Benelux.current_track :global unless Benelux.known_thread?
122:         mark_a = Benelux.current_track.timeline.add_mark :'#{@aliaz}_a'
123:         mark_a.add_tag :call_id => call_id
124:         tags = mark_a.tags
125:         ret = #{@methorig}(*args, &block)
126:         #p ["#{@meth} 2"]
127:         ret
128:       rescue => ex  # We do this so we can use
129:         raise ex    # ex in the ensure block.
130:       ensure
131:         mark_z = Benelux.current_track.timeline.add_mark :'#{@aliaz}_z'
132:         mark_z.tags = tags # In case tags were added between these marks
133:         range = Benelux.current_track.timeline.add_range :'#{@aliaz}', mark_a, mark_z
134:         range.exception = ex if defined?(ex) && !ex.nil?
135:       end
136:       }
137:     end
install_method ()

This method executes the method definition created by generate_method. It calls @klass.module_eval with the modified line number (helpful for exceptions)

[show source]
     # File lib/benelux/packer.rb, line 106
106:     def install_method
107:       @klass.module_eval generate_packed_method, __FILE__, 94
108:     end